This is an interesting concept and study that is being done. I was lead to this by a professor who was at Rice with the latter mentioned professor. These studies are being executed by John Alford. Others are doing these studies as well, but he is a key leader in its current development. I am not going to say much here at this time but I encourage anyone interested to look further into the sources listed below.
So the question goes... Is it nature or nurture? Are our political ideologies predisposed or not? I personally believe a bit of both: Nature sets the course and Nurture is how we choose to ride through the course.
Take a look and develop your own opinions...

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on Wednesday, February 4, 2009
at Wednesday, February 04, 2009
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- LibertyCast
- Hello I'm Nathan Wallace. I am currently in school as a Political Science major, I am married, have three children and work in loss prevention. I like to blog with the little spare time that I have. In my educational efforts I am working through to my Masters, and then Doctorate in Economics.
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