Alaska's Mt. Redoubt volcano has had a lot of seismic activity recently and according to sources (to be noted) it is priming for an eruption.
Below is the most recent update from from Alaska's Volcano Observatory (AVO):
"2009-01-30 13:31:16
Intense seismicity continues at Redoubt this afternoon. Clear webcam views, satellite, and radar data indicate that the volcano has not yet erupted. Clouds have moved in to obscure the webcam view over the last several minutes.
The Aviation Color Code remains at ORANGE and the Volcano Alert Level remains at WATCH. "
The remote volcano is a approximately 100 mi from Anchorage, Alaska's most populated city. By reports it does not appear that there is really any immediate harm from its eruption. Although, volcanic ash can shoot over 9 mi high into jet streams which can cause major flight risks.
Volcanic ash is very abrasive and so it can tear away at airplane frames, windshields, and even severely damage the engines.
Redoubt's last eruption was 1989-90 and scientists predict that this eruption will be similar to the last.
For any one in the area or heading that way long clothes are suggested to protect the skin and long goggles for eye protection; also breathing masks are STRONGLY recommended to protect the respiratory system. And expect flight delays do to the dangers of flying in these conditions.
For anyone interested in finding out more the AVO page for Redoubt regularly updates it's activity and even has a webcam that, also regularly, takes photos of it. Check it out here.

Sid Meier's Civilization
Civilization is a strategic and competitive world building game. You build your nation in competition with other nations to advance in a race for the winning point. Civilization IV is the newest version and has seen many new alterations compared to its previous edition and especially editions earlier than that. The graphics have improved and although even though when games are reinvented never come problem free at first the newer interface and adjustments make the game more aesthetically appealing, intuitive and manageable. You can connect to the home page from here or even download the demo below. However, check out a couple videos for it's trailer and an IGN Review below:
Get the Civ IV Official Demo here.
Well I have been absent for a little bit and I need to get an update on here. Prime reasoning for such a delay is full time (each) family, job, and college classes taking up most of my time and not leaving me as much time to be here. There have been some other concerns taking up time as well, but the former is the main deal. Please note I will try to keep up with the blog the best that I can, but I do have to accept that I have to treat school with a higher priority over the LibertyCast. Please bear with me as I am not abandoning the LibertyCast.
So how about the Illinois Governor, Hot Rod Blagojevich? Well he's finally been ousted and it's about time! The guy is not only corrupt, but the guy is so arrogant and oblivious to the reality of world around him he is either a bad liar or a true narcissist. Unanimously removed and properly done. I am very happy about this. I was amused with a news clip from him meeting with his supporters after being removed from office (his only court appearance). Of course he's thanking everybody for support and asking for continuing support, but I was not all surprised when he said he would continue to talk about this more so long as the news would cover it. This guy really does have issues, and it is healthy for Illinois to have him removed.
There has been interesting news about Iowa Governor Culver as well. Since there are budget issues in Iowa and it is against Iowa's Constitution to work out of a balanced budget a lot of talk and work has been going on within Iowa's Legislature. Some of this recently in the past few weeks lead to talks of giving the Iowa lottery away for a lump sum payment to cover their immediate losses. The problem is they would be losing a long term source of income for this short term fix. Well this has created some stir because Culver has received campaign contributions that link back to casinos, which were the prospective buyers. Ultimately, last week this has lead to Governor Culver announcing that they would not be selling the lottery, and looking at other sources of income. This is a smart decision because for a short term fix they would then have to look for more sources of income to cover a consistent long term loss of income. More news about this can be found with the Des Moines Register and the Iowa Independent (two articles linked).
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- LibertyCast
- Hello I'm Nathan Wallace. I am currently in school as a Political Science major, I am married, have three children and work in loss prevention. I like to blog with the little spare time that I have. In my educational efforts I am working through to my Masters, and then Doctorate in Economics.